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Vera Burggraf

Leadership | Culture | Organisational Development

My name is Vera and I deeply enjoy uplifting others and encourage purpose-driven growth.

I am a passionate leadership coach & facilitator because I believe that there is so much potential in each of us that we often find difficult to develop on our own. An external impulse, an appreciative space for self-reflection and a bundle of well-thought-out questions make all the difference. I take on exactly this role as enabler for breakthroughs, growth, and change based on individual needs as a long-term partner.

By balancing a technical view with enthusiasm for change and a drive into action, I can support you and your company in transformation and bringing everyone along in the change. This by involving all important areas as the emotional, intellectual, and physical ones.

My experience in leading a project management office and acting as internal sidekick paired with my fascination for leadership and its impact led me to one of my sweet spots as coach. I love to work with founders, executives, and leaders on their leadership ability as well as their personal development. I am convinced, that within the complexity of an organization the leadership style and leaders as role models have a huge impact on creating meaningfulness and thus success. As facilitator I support you and your teams, thinking big, developing your vision, and bringing it to live by creating a joint strategy and activating a people focused culture. I had the pleasure of coaching and facilitating workshops in German, English, Spanish and Dutch across the globe and working with teams from different cultures and backgrounds.

With a strong sense of intuition and the believe in the power of positivity, being creative, adapting to new surroundings and developing myself drives me. Moreover, being a trained leadership coach and certified systemic personal and business coach has taught me some great fundamentals which I love to apply in my work.

When I was 16 old, I started one of my most influential and transformative life adventures. I traveled to Argentina to do a one-year exchange program without knowing the language, the country, the culture, and the family I would live with. From then on, my passion for travel, cultures and challenges was awakened. Originally from Dortmund, I am at home in Berlin Kreuzberg since 2020. When I am not seeking for my next adventure, I enjoy my yoga-morning routine, being with friends and family and expressing myself and my feelings through dance.

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