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Gabi Helfenstein

Leadership | Transformation | Growth

My name is Gabi. I believe that most individuals only use a fraction of their talents and power. There seems to be a collective conviction that as a professional, you cannot be truly yourself at work. This means that you leave a part of your personality and your capacity at home.

With more than 20 years experience as (senior) manager and C-level executive in different types of industries in corporates and mid-sized, I can relate to the demanding work of leaders. In my past roles I have seen people of all levels struggling to show their authenticity. I challenge leaders to address the things that need to be said. I support leaders to be more themselves and to grow. My belief is that sustainable success can only be achieved by authentic leadership. I hold a Master’s degree in business administration and I am a certified Master Coach.

During the last years I have worked with different leadership teams of corporates and startups in workshops and coached more than 100 individuals and leaders in both my role as a leader and as a coach. My purpose is to humanize companies and boardrooms by supporting and encouraging leaders to grow, to be authentic and to engage with their teams in meaningful conversations.

My roots are in a small town in Germany and have lived/worked in the United States, France and Singapore. Now, I have already lived in the Netherlands for quite a long time – close to Amsterdam. Here I love the combination of a multinational working/living environment and nature. I live close to the sea and my two kids who enjoy kitesurfing, this sport is still on my bucket list. Together with my friend I enjoy hikes through the dunes.

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