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Annett Fibian

Leadership | Transformation | Collaboration

I’m Annett. As expert for organisational design, team dynamics and corporate learning I focus on the people dimensions of the digitisation, empowering executives, teams and organisations to unleash their potential.

To get there, I explore structural and cultural patterns as well as trends and challenges to foster and facilitate innovation and collaboration, develop new perspectives , future strategies and shape the right mental „operating system“. Depending on the challenge at hand, I act as facilitator, manager, consultant, or management sidekick – and love it to make the most  of these different roles and set-ups.

What makes me stand out is the personal importance I put in creating feasible results and sustainable transformation. My aspiration is for the organisations to not only gain more flight altitude, but to enable them to keep and expand it further.

Communication and digitisation have been the dominating themes throughout my professional career. I started in the corporate world, working in digital companies as well as in global corporations, before I switched to working self-employed and specialised in consulting and faciliation.

In my dealings with other people I am open-minded and approachable, disruptive in my ideas and reliable in delivering results. And I am good at influencing others with a solution orientation, optimism and a certain lightness.

I am a North German by heart and after many stops both regionally and globally, I feel that I have arrived in my favourite German city Hamburg.  Having grown up as a small town girl I now have a very urban lifestyle: I swapped a car for a bycicle some 10 years ago and enjoy the cultural, social and sports programme the city has to offer.

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